Outlook Expedition World Challenge – Borneo
We are delighted to be sponsoring Aimee in her Outlook Expedition World Challenge!!!
Aimee is raising funds to support a nature conservation initiative and a rural community clean water project in Borneo. In a bid to raise some funds she is attempting to climb Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis – the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland. She will be joining her friends Millie, Mia, Helena, Ella, Finlay and we wish them all the best for some good weather as they set off this Saturday. Currently the forcast is for snow on Snowdon and -10 degrees on Ben Nevis!
Updates on their trip will be posted below over this weekend so you can follow her progress…!
Her story is below with links to her Just Giving page…. It’s a tremendously courageous challenge to set themselves, so any support you are able to give will be warmly welcomed.
Aimee’s Story
World Challenge was set up 30 years ago to build the life skills young people need to live a life of courage, kindness and adventure. Click on the logo to find out moreabout Outlook Expeditions:
In 2019 I hope to travel with World Challenge Outlook Expeditions to the jungles of Borneo to work on a nature conservation initiative and a rural community clean water project. I will be travelling with a team of 30 students from school and together we will undertake a jungle skills training camp and attempt to summit Mount Kinabalu (13,400ft). The expedition will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, better understand the world in which we live and work as a team to overcome the obstacles and challenges that come our way.
Fundraising for the Borneo trip is just one of the challenges that we face, and to this end a group of us have decided to undertake the National Three Peaks Challenge at the end of October. This will involve us having to research, plan and undertake an attempt to climb Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland, over three days at the end of October. The challenge will push us to our physical limits and our success will be largely dependent on good planning and team work.
If you are able to support me by sponsoring our Three Peaks Challenge I would be extremely grateful. I hope to raise sufficient funds to not only cover our mountain adventure in October but, more importantly, to contribute to my fundraising target for my World Challenge trip next summer.
Thank you in advance for your support.
How to give your support…
Support Aimee to achieve the National Three Peaks Challenge, click on the logo to be directed to her page.
Order your Christmas presents through Easy Fundraising. It doesn’t cost you a penny, but they donate small amounts to Aimee’s cause. Click on the link to take you to her page and it will tell you how to use the facility. Simple and free to use!
If you are a business, consider sponsorship opportunities or match funding.
Purchase one of her paintings, sweetie bags, chocolate or drinks on one of her stalls.
Aimee’s National Three Peaks Challenge
Saturday 27 October
4.30am Leave to drive to Wales
10.00 Arrive Wales to ascend Snowdon (6 hours)
18.00 ish! Travel to the Lake District
Forecast: Sun and Snow -10 degrees
Sunday 28 October
Ascend Scafell Pike (6 hours)
Drive to Scotland
Forecast: Sun -3 degrees
Monday 29 October
Ascend Ben Nevis (7 hours)
Drive Home (12 hours)
Forecast: Cloudy and sunny spells -13 degrees
Watch here for updates once the adventure begins!…
Saturday 27 October
5.00AM And they’re off!…. Minibus packed and some very excited young people leave for Snowdon. Snow expected with a wind chill taking the temperatures down to -14 degrees
7.20AM …And they’re all asleep on the minibus… not stopping for breakfast just yet!
7.45AM… breakfast stop near Shrewsbury. Not far to the boarder and running to schedule
9.11AM… lots of singing on the minibus to appropriate mountain inspired songs!
9.32AM… first sight of Snowdon
10.22AM… The ascent has started…. along with the Snowdonia Mountain Marathon!
1.30PM… Reached the summit with some awesome scenery!
20.00PM… Journey to the Lake District and now enjoying Spaghetti Bolognase together.
Click on the link to experience them reaching the summit! 312956c8-3049-40e9-8d39-ad01f9d04371
Sunday 28 October
5.00AM… An early rise with bacon butties! Left the cozy pod at 6.00AM and off to Scafell Pike where the weather is forecast as sunny and a much warmer -5 degrees. Very sore knees and wearing supports, on medical advice, to prevent dislocation.
10.00AM… Started ascent up Scafell Pike and reached the summit at 12.40PM.
Monday 29 October
8.00AM… Early rise and departure for Ben Nevis.
9.00AM… The ascent has commenced with a pit stop for some beautiful photos… a tough climb today with a snowy and icy peak!
2.00PM… They reached the summit! Ben Nevis conquered.
5.30PM… Started their return trip home, arriving in Harpenden at 3.30AM…
For what must have been tough, chilling and a gruelling few days, we are truly in awe of what these young people have achieved. Such a stunning challenge to accomplish. Many congratulations to you all!
***This was Aimee’s first mountaineering experience. Although enjoying her time on the mountains, which has left her wanting to do more, she struggled with swollen and painful knees after the first Summit – Snowdon. She is a determined character, and even knowing the risk of dislocation she continued to summit Scafell Pike. She was equally determined to conquer Ben Nevis and soldiered on with knee supports, but was now also limping. After completing the first couple of hours of the ascent, she reluctantly returned to basecamp and followed medical advice to prevent any lasting damage to her knees. Massive well done to Aimee, we are all very proud of your achievements.***