Entries by Melanie Wooding Jones


Potholes can lead to costly repairs. Redbourn Auto Solutions take a look at how they form, how to avoid them and what to do if you hit one.

Used Car Buying Rights

Buying a Used Car? Keep your head and know your rights   We’ve all been there – full of pure excitement of purchasing our next car that sometimes we stop listening to our head and are led by our heart.  So, what do you need to look out for and what can you do if […]

Main Dealer or Independent?

MAIN DEALER OR INDEPENDENT?   There are several reasons why people choose to maintain their vehicle at a franchised main dealer.  What makes them so good and is there an alternative?     Why choose a franchised dealer?    Consumers look towards their local main dealership to provide them with the expertise that no other […]

Little Fiat’s Adventures

Our Little Fiat 500 is on his’s travels, but where is he?!  We’ll post clues and his updates regularly so you can see where his adventures take him…     His first trip abroad and he’s on flight TG917 heading to Asia…. but where?!                 Well, little fiat […]

Road Safety Week 2022

Road Safety Week Since a member of staff was severely impacted by a road traffic accident, we have made it an aim to support safety on our roads.  We can keep your vehicles safe for road use, but there is more to road safety… We’re supporting the charity, Brake, to raise awareness of Road Safety […]

Herts Police give advice on preventing theft from Motor Vehicles

Theft from Motor Vehicles Advice Hertfordshire Police have released the following information due to a rise in thefts from Motor Vehicles across the St Albans area…   Operation Remote – Prevention First Crime Reduction & Community Safety Hertfordshire Constabulary August 2022 Dear Keyless Car Owner Keyless Theft of Motor Vehicles Hertfordshire Constabulary has recently seen […]

Celebrating 10 Years!

Celebrating 10 Years at Redbourn Auto Solutions!   This month the team at Redbourn Auto Solutions are celebrating 10 years since opening!  It is a business that has been through an immense journey.  So, here’s a bit of it… from humble beginnings to a fabulous business who has so much to offer you, and the […]